We believe that access to clean water should not be a privilege but is a fundamental basic human right; just like sunshine and fresh air. Accordingly, Dingo Trails is proud to support Water for Good, a non-profit organisation based in the Central African Republic.
Water for Good operates in one of the world’s most forgotten countries, maintaining a vast network of over 1,700 hand powered water pumps in extremely remote areas. Their local technicians log over 80,000 km each year in service visits, keeping the clean water flowing for well over half a million people.
Water for Good
République centrafricaine
“they’re great, and Patrick, one of our main drivers in Bangui, loves them. We’ll get a lot of use out of these” – Jay Hocking, Director of Operations
Although maintaining existing clean water infrastructure is their main focus, Water for Good also builds new water installations such as new hand pumps and solar powered pipe distributions.
If you would like to contribute or donate, please visit their website at https://waterforgood.org for more information.
Water for Good is a non-denominational Christian, faith-based organization.